Advisory Committee to Study Sex Offender Registration Laws Meetings

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Advisory Committee to Study Sex Offender Registration Laws Meetings
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
01:00 PM
phone - Please call 7725-684-1212 for passcode -
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
originateConference Room 4412 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
videoConference Room 2135 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
originateConference Room 4412 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
videoConference Room 2135 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
originateConference Room 4401 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
videoConference Room 4100 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
originateConference Room 4401 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
videoConference Room 3143 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
2:00 PM
originateConference Room #4500 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
videoMock Conference Room - Office of the Attorney General, 100 N. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
9:00 AM
originateConference Room #4412 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
videoConference Room #3138 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
AgendaMinutesDPS PresentationComments From Vicki Henry
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
9:00 AM
originateConference Room #4412 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
phoneConference Room #3138 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
02:00 PM
originateConference Room #4412 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
videoConference Room #3138 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
10:00 AM
originateConference Room #3138 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
phoneConference Room #4412 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
AgendaMinutesACSSORL 2014-07-24 Juvenile Sex Offender Risk 010713ACSSORL 2014-07-24 Agenda Item 4ACSSORL 2014-07-24 Risk Assessment Instruments for Juvenile Sex Offenders - Scales and Contents
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
10:00 AM
originateConference Room #3138 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
phoneConference Room #4412 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
Agenda12-13-13 Unapproved MinutesFiore & Segerblom Letters re AB 579 Implementation
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
10:00 AM
originateConference Room #3137 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
phoneConference Room #4401 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
Agenda10-18-13 Unapproved MinutesRecommendations
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
10:00 AM
originateConference Room #2134 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
Agenda11-14-12 Unapproved MinutesAttachment OneAttachment Two
Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration
10:00 AM
originateConference Room #2134 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 401 S. Carson St. - Carson City, NV 89701
phoneConference Room #4401 - Legislative Counsel Bureau, 555 E. Washington Ave. - Las Vegas, NV 89101
AgendaAttachment One 2012-11-14 Meeting MinutesAttachment Two 2012-11-14 Meeting MinutesAttachment Three 2012-11-14 Meeting MinutesAttachment Four 2012-11-14 Meeting MinutesAttachment Five 2012-11-14 Meeting MinutesAttachment Six 2012-11-14 Meeting MinutesAttachment Seven 2012-11-14 Meeting MinutesAttachment Eight 2012-11-14 Meeting MinutesSORNA LetterState v 8th JD et al