Government and Natural Resources


The Attorney General's Division of Government and Natural Resources provides legal advice and representation to client agencies and officials responsible for providing core government functions and for managing the State's natural resources and regulating its environment. The Division has 11 deputy attorney general positions.

Major client departments and agencies include:

Government and Administration

Administration, State of Nevada Department of

College Savings Board, Nevada State Treasurer, State of Nevada

Commission on Post-Secondary Education, State of Nevada

Education, State of Nevada Department of

Employment, Training & Rehabilitation, State of Nevada Department of

Indian Commission, State of Nevada

Office of the Military, National Guard, State of Nevada

Public Charter School Authority, State of Nevada

Public Employees’ Retirement System, State of Nevada

State Controller’s Office, State of Nevada

System of Higher Education, State of Nevada

Natural Resources

Agency for Nuclear Projects, State of Nevada

Conservation and Natural Resources, State of Nevada Department of

Governor’s Office of Energy, State of Nevada

Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation & Technology, State of Nevada

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA)

Wildlife, State of Nevada Department of

Open Meeting Law

Open Meeting Law

GNR Point of Contact
