June 20, 2019
Carson City, NV – Today, Attorney General Ford announced a new public information campaign to educate Nevadans about recently-passed legislation that expands voting rights to people formerly incarcerated. Assembly Bill (AB) 431, sponsored by Assembly Speaker Jason Frierson, immediately restores the right to vote to individuals convicted of crimes who are not currently incarcerated. As many as 77,000 Nevadans could regain their voting rights as a result of the new law.
“The right to vote is one of our most sacred rights as Americans,” said AG Ford. “This new law touches two critical missions of the Office of Attorney General: protecting the constitutional rights of Nevadans and protecting public safety. Voting is an important part of reintegrating into our community and is a shared civic responsibility. By restoring ex-offenders’ right to participate on a level footing with other citizens, we facilitate a sense of pride that makes them less likely to recidivate. I’m proud that my office can help tens of thousands of Nevadans learn about how to exercise their rights.”
The Office of the Attorney will utilize a multi-pronged approach to educate eligible Nevadans about how to restore their voting rights, such as videos, flyers, PSAs, on-the-ground outreach, and other tactics. The campaign begins today in anticipation of July 1, 2019, the date AB 431 becomes effective.
Find more information about the campaign on the AG office website here.