
Violence Against Women Act STOP/SASP Grant Programs

The Services-Training-Officers-Prosecutors (STOP) Program supports communities throughout Nevada in their efforts to develop and strengthen effective victim services, law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat the crimes of intimate partner violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. This program further encourages partnerships among police, prosecutors, the judiciary, victim advocates and service providers, health care providers, faith leaders, and others to help provide Nevada's victims and their families with the protection and services they need to pursue safe and healthy lives within their communities and to hold their offenders accountable for the harm they have done.

The Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP) funding assists in the provision of intervention, advocacy, accompaniment, support services, and related assistance for adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault, family and household members of such victims, and those collaterally affected by the victimization, except for the perpetrator of such victimization.

      STOP Implementation Plan

        Overdose Detection and Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) Statewide Expansion and Response Grant

        The Overdose Detection and Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) Statewide Expansion and Response Grant is designed to support statewide adoption of ODMAP as well as support the development of highly coordinated public safety, behavioral health, and public health responses to the data, focusing on hot spots and trends of concern.  The primary goal of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support cross-sector partnerships that are structured in such a way that local communities can make meaningful use of the data collected through ODMAP to deploy interventions targeting specific geographic areas or high risk individuals.  Local communities are expected to develop implementation plans for responding to the data collected in ODMAP, to include identifying the frequency and format of data sharing, defining spikes and hot spots, and identifying appropriate interventions by public safety, behavioral health, and public health partners.  Communities are also expected to evaluate their intervention approaches to reduce overdoses.  Another goal of this funding is to establish an Application Programming Interface (API).  API is a popular method for stakeholder agencies to contribute data without creating additional manual reporting or processes.  The API allows for data integration by connecting with the agency or state’s Record Management Software (RMS) to ODMAP.  An API allows for the direct, automated integration of the two systems.

        Assembly Bill 176 Funding 

          Assembly Bill 176 (hereafter AB 176) was passed by the 2019 Legislature, enacting the Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights.  These rights attach whenever a victim/survivor of sexual assault is subject to a forensic medical exam, or subject to an interview by a law enforcement official or a prosecutor.  Once the rights attached, the survivor retains these rights regardless of whether they agree to participate in the legal or criminal justice system or, if they had made a police report without a forensic medical exam, whether they submit to such an exam.  AB 176 appropriates $150,000 for State Fiscal Year 2020 and $150,000 for State Fiscal Year 2021 for a total of $300,000 to the Office of Attorney General over the biennium. Ten percent of the appropriation will be utilized by the Office of Attorney General for the administration of these funds, thereby making $135,000 available for State Fiscal Year 2020 and for State Fiscal Year 2021 to be awarded to one or more non-profit organizations for the recruitment and training of sexual assault advocates in accordance with this appropriation. 

          Sexual Assault Kit Initiatives (SAKI)

            2015 Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) - Grant Award $1,983,533 - Project Period: 10/01/15 through 09/30/18

            The state of Nevada, via the Nevada Office of the Attorney General, was initially awarded a Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance in 2015 in the amount of $1,983,533 to inventory and test backlogged sexual assault kits, arrange victim services for the necessary notifications and psychological needs for those victims and to investigate the results of any Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) hits from those tested kits. The project focuses on the geographical and jurisdictional area covered by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Crime Lab and includes the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, who self-selected to be included in this project. The goal of this project is to effectively resolve the issue of untested sexual assault kits and build partnerships to assure that a backlog of untested kits does not develop again in the future.


              2016 Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) - Grant Award $1,962,414 - Project Period: 10/01/16 through 09/30/19

              The goal of the 2016 SAKI grant is to resolve the statewide issue of untested sexual assault kits, increase investigation and prosecution resources throughout the state to resolve CODIS hits, provide a statewide assessment of current policies and practices across the spectrum of response to sexual assault and its victims, develop supportive victim-centered, trauma-informed responses to sexual assault, and provide systemic training and assistance to implement these responses into effective community partnerships, policies and practices to ensure that backlogs of untested kits do not develop throughout the state in the future.


                2017 Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) - Grant Award $933,656 - Project Period: 10/01/17 through 09/30/20

                The 2017 SAKI grant will work in collaboration with the Nevada Department of Corrections on this Nevada Inmate Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) project which would enable the appropriate authorities to plan and coordinate DNA collections of lawfully owed DNA samples, testing of these samples, and CODIS uploads of DNA profiles for the purpose of resolving cold sexual assault cases associated with previously unsubmitted sexual assault kits.


                  Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence-Inventory, Tracking and Reporting (SAFE-ITR) 

                    In the past, sexual assault survivors were unable to track their sexual assault kit through the process of collection, forensic lab testing, and investigation. As a result of the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence-Inventory, Tracking and Reporting (SAFE-ITR) grant, the State of Nevada has implemented a Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) tracking and record-keeping system. The SAK Working Group, multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional taskforce, selected a vendor for statewide SAK tracking in 2018.

                    Survivors will now be able to track their kit through all stages of the process and be better informed on the status of their own case. The tracking system is anonymous to protect the privacy rights of survivors.

                    The tracking system also allows the state to view the total number of SAKs collected and the progress of kit testing. In accordance with the SAFE-ITR grant, the Attorney General’s office will publicly post reports of the statewide total of SAKs collected, tested, and awaiting testing since June 17, 2019.

                    Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program 

                      The Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program (EALLP) is a statewide project that will improve the knowledge, capacity and ability to serve under senior victims of intimate partner and/or caregiver violence, sexual violence and neglect. Through this funding, a needs assessment will be conducted, there will be provision of training to law enforcement, judges, prosecutors, victim service providers and senior serving providers, and coordinated community responses will be developed to connect potential older victims of these types of abuse with appropriate responses and services. 


                        Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Program (Rural) 

                          The Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Program (Rural) is a regional tri-county program where the Office of the Attorney General, in collaboration with victim service providers, District Attorneys and Sheriffs from Churchill, Lyon and Mineral Counties implement a coordinated, collaborative, regional response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking within their jurisdictions.  A Deputy Attorney General will be cross-deputized in Churchill, Lyon and Mineral Counties and specialize in domestic violence, dating violence and sexual assault prosecutions.

                            Forms and Instructions for Current Sub-Grantees

                              For current sub-grantees, forms and instructions, contact the Grants Unit at

                              CIVIL RIGHTS

                              Requests For Proposal 

